7443 Morimoto X-VF Switchback Bulbs w/ resistors

  • $86.00
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Two (2) 7443 switchback bulbs
Two (2) Xenon Depot 6 ohm resistors


MORIMOTO: Has always been our go-to-guys when it came to HID, and when they released their line of LED products, we had our doubts. Performance left a little to be desired compared to some of the more refined models on the market. BUT (and that's a big BUT) that has since changed with the new Morimoto X-VF (Virtual Filament) bulbs! While in all-honesty Morimoto didn't exactly nail it the first time around on the XB LED bulbs, what we have from them today is about as modern as it gets and much more in-line with the quality and performance we've all come to expect from the brand.

INSTANT: Beautiful, bright light. Nearly infinite life span. Great for signal, marker, brake, and tail lights. The new Morimoto X-VF LED bulbs are an instant upgrade in the looks and performance for the lighting on your car from bumper to bumper.

SO WHAT'S NEW WITH VERSION TWO? Whereas the now discontinued XB bulbs were really only designed to "look cool" and be "bright" - we all know the saying "power is nothing without control" and that was really the focus behind the new Morimoto X-VF bulbs. These 7443 LED bulbs utilize far more refined optics that distribute light in every direction, most notably improving the side and rear-ward spread. What that means for you? By making full use of all the facets in any turn/brake signal housing - The Morimoto X-VF are way brighter! (and they still look cool!)

FADE-ON-FUNCTION: Morimoto's new fade-on function drivers are pretty unique too compared to any other bulbs on the market. Utilized on the switchback version of the Morimoto XV-F bulbs, the drivers gradually ramp up the intensity of the white when it kicks back on after the amber signal is turned off. A small detail, but a neat one none the less.